attorney n. 1.〔美国〕辩护律师;〔英古〕事务律师〔现在用 solicitor 〕。 2.代理人;代言人。 a letter [power, warrant] of attorney 委任状。 an attorney at law 〔美国〕律师。 an attorney in fact 代理人。 by attorney 凭代理人。 a circuit [district] attorney 〔美国〕地方检查官。 n. -ship 代理人的身分[职务];代理,代言。
When a representative files the application , a power of attorney shall be provided 由代理人申请登记者,应附具委任书。
A power of attorney should be mixed by client be signed by client both sides or affix one ' s seal 委托书应该由委托人和被委托人双方签名或者盖章。
A power of attorney signed by the applicant , indicating the full name and position of the signatory 申请人向欧盟商标局或欧盟成员国商标局提出申请;
Next , a power of attorney of will bilateral autograph or affix one ' s seal gives people court is examined 然后,将双方签名或盖章的委托书交给人民法院审查。
If signed under a power of attorney , such power of attorney or a duly certified copy thereof must accompany this application form 倘以授权书形式代签,必须于本申请表附上有关授权书或其正式公证副本。
After you decide agent is chosen , need and agent are signed entrust acting contract and issue accredit a power of attorney to its 在您确定代理人选之后,需要和代理人签订委托代理合同并向其出具授权委托书。
Incase of an applicant filing an application through an intellectual property representative , a power of attorney is attached to the application 5申请人如为透过智慧财产代理人提出申请时,应检附一份授权书。
If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person , it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority 企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。
The formalities for the notarization or certification of a power of attorney and related proof shall be performed in accordance with the principle of reciprocity 代理人委托书和有关证明的公证、认证手续,按照对等原则办理。
" article 59 when a person appoints another to act on his behalf in litigation , he must submit to the people ' s court a power of attorney bearing his signature or seal . 第五十九条委托他人代为诉讼,必须向人民法院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。